Oral Cancer Screenings and Exams

Regular oral exams are necessary to maintaining your overall health and well-being. Regular dental exams allow us to assess and diagnose any issues early and give us the opportunity to provide the most effective treatment in the early stages – saving you in the long run.

During a routine dental exam at Hammoud Family Dental, our dentist or dental hygienist will thoroughly clean patients’ teeth and evaluate their oral health, which includes oral cancer screenings. At this time, a check for cavities and gum disease will be performed. An exam of the head and neck is conducted which includes the jaw, tongue, face, neck, and mouth for any abnormalities or issues. Many oral diseases, including oral cancers, respond best when treated early. Various digital X-rays and other tests may be performed to evaluate your current teeth, bite, and jaw, along with oral health.

If you regularly miss your routine dentist appointments, it can affect your overall health significantly. Spotting cavities early allows your dental health professional to treat the problem before it worsens, leading to the need for more invasive treatments, such as a root canal. If left untreated, cavities can lead to major tooth decay and infection. If left too long, cavities may ultimately lead to the loss of that tooth.

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Healthy Smiles Blog

In addition to regular dental appointments, being armed with knowledge can provide you with all the support you need to maintain healthy teeth and gums. Explore our posts to arm yourself.